Headquarters for Hindquarters Bull Sale
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This balanced trait herd prospect has stood out since birth. The mating of Colt to our Tracker 458 daughters combines two bulls with extra power, base width, volume, and muscle. Lot 26 is an attractive, balanced and docile herd bull that is wide topped and thick butted. He combines a strong maternal heritage of productive, fertile, and easy keeping females with extra growth and muscle. His dam is one of our best cows.
USD $9,000.00
22 Bids

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The Colt calves are impressive and consistent from top to bottom. This prospective herd bull is no exception. He epitomizes the balanced trait, proven genetics we endeavor to offer our customers. He is clean fronted, long bodied, and heavy muscled with extra performance. Lot 27 is a true growth bull from a proven 10 year old dam that looks many years younger. A maternal sister by Substance is the dam of Lot 8.
USD $2,700.00
7 Bids

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Here is a powerful and moderate framed Colt son with a tremendous amount of depth, volume and total mass. He combines base width and muscle with moderate birth genetics. His dam is arguably our best Substance daughter. A maternal brother to 7355 by Whitley was one of the top bulls in the 2015 Headquarters for Hindquarters Bull Sale and brought $7750. Lot 28 is line bred to Benfield Edella 1105, the most influential cow in the Benfield program.
USD $9,250.00
29 Bids

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Lot 29 is an attractive, moderate framed, and well balanced calving ease prospect with a strong maternal heritage. He is deep bodied and wide based with acceptable growth for calving ease genetics. His Chisum dam is doing a great job with 3 calves at a 101 weaning ratio. His grandam remains in production with 10 calves at a 104 ratio.
USD $2,800.00
10 Bids

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Here is a top performing bull who is line bred to Benfield Edella 1105. His powerful and easy keeping dam was a natural calf by Tracker 458 out of 1105. Lot 30 is a docile, muscular and wide base bull with breed leading performance as well as proven maternal genetics. We work hard to produce bulls that will help our customers prosper. Lot 30 is a bull that will get it done!
USD $3,700.00
11 Bids

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Here is an exceptional Colt son that keeps getting better. His pathfinder Genesis dam is a fault-free female and embryo donor cow at Benfield. Lot 31 is long bodied, broad topped, and wide based and plenty of total volume. This big testicle and high performing Colt son combines the two best cows from our best two cow families. He will sire extra pounds and great females as well!
USD $7,500.00
19 Bids

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Here is a power herd bull that puts it all together. He was the second high weaning weight bull at 792 pounds with a 114 ratio. Although he was too young to report for American Angus records in time for our catalog, we calculated his yearling weight at 1356 lbs. We like his balance, fault free structure and attractive phenotype. He is deep and long bodied with plenty of muscle. His Tracker 458 dam is a powerful and productive cow with three calves at weaning for a 107 ratio. Lot 32 is stacked Benfield breeding with Colt x Tracker 458 x Kona x Ringo.
USD $3,000.00
12 Bids

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Lot 33 is a deep bodied Colt son that tracks with a wide and easy stride. If you are looking for a balanced trait bull that can do all things well, study this bull. His pedigree is stacked with performance and maternal value. His attractive pathfinder dam is an impressive young female with a 104 ratio for weaning and a 104 ratio for yearling ratio on 3 calves.
USD $3,000.00
12 Bids

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Recommended for cows, Lot 34 is a powerful, stylish son of Cedar Run out of a terrific Pathfinder daughter of Topper from the Lucy cow family made famous at Van Dyke Angus Ranch in Manhattan, Montana. C14 is one of the heaviest muscled bulls in the sale, which should come as no surprise because of the added muscle and thickness displayed by his sire, Cedar Run, and maternal grandsire, Topper. Expect his daughters to make stout and productive brood cows.
USD $3,400.00
12 Bids

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With a BWR of 89 on 4 calves, the dam of Lot 35 is proving to be our lowest birthweight cow. His own 68 pound birthweight coupled with the calving ease of his sire and dam help predictions that C19 will have a high probability of being a low birthweight sire. Just as importantly though, is the fact that C19 is a moderate framed, heavy muscled, well balanced, structurally sound calf. His daughters should make moderate framed, wide bodied, low input brood cows. Selling 2/3 interest and full possession.
USD $3,100.00
9 Bids

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Lot 36 is a maternal and ¾ brother to WRA Mirror Image Z11, a T10 son that sold to Jason Kading of Millbrook, New York in our 2013 sale. Z11 became the sensation of Jason’s dispersal sale in the fall of 2015 where his sons and daughters were in high demand and Z11 himself topped the sale at $11,000. We believe that C8 has the same herd bull potential. He is a moderate framed, sound structured, heavy muscled prospect that should be an outstanding maternal sire
USD $0.00
0 Bids

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Here is a low birth weight Reality son that exploded after weaning and gained well on test. This long sided prospect is from a two year old dam by the popular SAV Final Answer 0035. His dam is maternal sister to a Colt son that sells as Lot 28 and a Whitley son that sold last year for $7750.
USD $2,000.00
2 Bids

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Here is a balanced and moderate framed Reality son with exceptional performance in a heavy muscled package. He is wide based, broad topped, thick butted and free moving. His Tracker 458 dam is a stout, broody, deep bodied and easy keeping cow that consistently weans one of our best calves. Lot 38 is an easy choice to produce thick and heavy calves!
USD $3,500.00
6 Bids

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Here is a sleep all night calving ease bull of moderate frame from one of our best cow families. Lot 39 is a great choice if you have heifers to breed this spring and you want a proven maternal heritage. He stems from a line of fertile, easy keeping cows that last. In addition, his pedigree is stacked with proven performance sires.
USD $3,600.00
16 Bids

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Lot 40 is a slightly bigger framed bull with extra depth and length to compliment his superior performance. He took off from birth and never looked back! One of the heaviest calves we have raised at weaning, he continued to perform on test and was the high yearling weight bull at 1417 lbs. Lot 40 is a true growth bull that will sire the extra pounds you can sell. He has the in-herd performance and top yearling EPD to prove it!
USD $3,800.00
12 Bids

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Reality is siring extra growth and 5744 fits the legacy. He turned in one of the best weaning weights this year. His dam is a consistently productive 10 year female by Stevenson L406, who left us a great set of females at Benfield. In addition to extra muscle, Lot 41 is complete and sound with added performance. His daughters should make good females as well.
USD $0.00
0 Bids

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If you need to breed a small group of heifers this spring, Lot 42 is an excellent choice. He is deep bodied and thick with extra volume. Although one of the younger bulls in the sale, he will be an impressive individual at maturity. His dam is a big volume, easy keeping Game Day daughter. The grandam was a pathfinder by Kona and the great-grandam a pathfinder by Backstop.
USD $2,200.00
5 Bids

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Displaying tremendous post weaning performance, C11 is our favorite of the Treasure 129 sons. We especially appreciate his dam, a beautifully patterned young Topper daughter. Lot 43 is a well balanced, sound structured prospect with impressive length and muscle. The older he gets, the better he gets.
USD $3,100.00
5 Bids

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Moderate framed, big bodied, and wide based best describe Lot 44. He epitomizes the low input, trouble free, economically efficient paradigm
USD $2,100.00
7 Bids

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Lot 45 is an attractive, well balanced son of Treasure 129 that displayed excellent post weaning performance. The Treasure 129 X T10 combination consistently produces cattle that fit the paradigm of low birthweight, low input, maternally efficient cattle in a moderate framed package.
USD $3,100.00
9 Bids

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Raised on a 2 year old dam, Lot 46 exploded after weaning, achieving our best post weaning gain figures. He has developed into an excellent prospect with above average length of body. Slightly larger framed than his paternal brothers, C9 should sire fault free cattle with excellent performance.
USD $2,000.00
2 Bids

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Multiple generations of functional calving ease genetics are stacked with Lot 47—Treasure 129 X VDAR Really Windy 8491 X Vindicator X T10. Beautifully patterned and well balanced, C7 is another rock solid prospect bred to perform efficiently in the fescue pastures of Virginia. We especially appreciate his feminine, fault free two year old dam.
USD $2,800.00
6 Bids

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Lot 48 is a 15/16 brother to Lot 47, stacking multiple generations of low birthweight, low input genetics—Treasure 129, Windy 8491, Vindicator, and T10. Breeding potential is more accurately predicted when like kind genetics are stacked over multiple generations.
USD $2,600.00
6 Bids

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Like many of his paternal brothers, Lot 49 stacks generations of low input calving ease genetics by combining Treasure 129, Cole Creek Cedar Ridge, and Mirror Image T10. These are true grassland cattle that flourish in low cost, real world production systems.
USD $2,300.00
3 Bids

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If you are looking for a bull that can add muscle while maintaining disciplined frame size and maternal efficiency, then look at Lot 50. He is a wide based, heavy muscled, attractive prospect with a -1.5 pound BW EPD.
USD $0.00
0 Bids

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